SKATEBOARD tee with drill cargo shorts$18.00 (in blue)
BEEHAVE tee with camouflage drill cargo shorts. (Khaki and Blue color) $18.00
Sizes: (9-12mos) x 1pc / 1yo x 1pc (blue)
2yo x 1pc / 1yo x 3pc / (9-12mos) x 1pc (khaki)
3pce Baby boy MONKEY tee & stripe knit pants with satin hanger $10.00
Sizes 00 x 6pcs (3-6months)
0 - 6-9mos hgt 68cm wgt 8-10kg chest 50cm waist 50cm
1 - 1yo hgt 84cm wgt 12-14kg chest 52cm waist 52cm
2 - 2yo hgt 82cm chest 54cm waist 54cm
3 - 3yo hgt 100cm chest 55cm waist 55cm
4 - 4yo hgt 108cm chest 56cm waist 56cm
5 - hgt 115cm chest 57cm waist 57cm
6 - hgt 120cm chest 58cm waist 58cm
7 - hgt 125cm chest 59cm waist 59cm
8 - hgt 130cm chest 68cm waist 60cm